Gift Exchange Manager

by Shadowfury


0.99 usd

This app makes it easy to run a Yankee Swap or White Elephant gift exchange

If youve ever been to a corporate holiday party or a family gift exchange, youve probably participated in a Yankee Swap or a White Elephant gift exchange. Everyone draws a number from a hat, and your chosen number could mean snagging that awesome $15 waffle iron, or a $15 hardcover version of "Everybody Poops". Have you ever wondered whether there was a better way of organizing one of these events? Never have enough paper or pens available? Have a last minute addition that you werent expecting? Ever wondered if the game would be more fun if everyone didnt know up front what number they would have?This app makes it easy to set up and run a Yankee Swap or White Elephant gift exchange. Simply enter the names of all of your players, and let the app manager tell you who goes next. Players are chosen at random as the game progresses, making the next player a mystery until he/she is chosen by the game! Once a player has chosen, use the app to enter a brief description and take a picture of the item, to make it easier for the next player to know what gifts are available.- Added Bluetooth support. You can now use one Android device for players and control it via Bluetooth from another device. Connect the client device to a TV or other large display screen so everyone can watch the game progress!- Added setting to lock game input on a device. This is useful for Bluetooth clients. The game host controls the game on the Bluetooth host device, while players can browse through gifts on the client.Nov 28 - Fixed bug related to sending files over Bluetooth

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Good for randomly picking selection order, and tracking gifts. However, it doesn't track how many times a gift has been taken and lock out those gifts which have reached their limit. Taking photos of gifts should be in options, not prompted for after every gift is entered.

Ryan D

Wonderful idea with having a Bluetooth receiver and client. Can't wait to use it during Christmas. :-)

Paul Mesa